October 28, 2009

American literature: Early American and Colonial Period

Early Am & Colonial period. Making of a nation.
- orally transmitted myths, legends, tales and songs of the Indians (over 500- had their own religions, gov democracy to councils to theocracies) chanted, sung or narrated- oral culture
- Idea of the New World (opposed to old and worn-out, actually not new)- new paradise, ppl Pursuit of Happiness. 1st to come: Spanish, French, English.
1507 Martin Waldseemüller marks it as America after Amerigo Vespucci. Actually 1st to arrive were Norwegians (Leif Ericson 11th c, n-am) but in oct 1492 Columbus was looking for a new shorter route to India.
- Jamestown, Virginia- 1st permanent Eng settlement in 1607 (starvation, brutality, misrule), crown hoped to greater power, empire, riches; status was based on ownership of land- emigrants would not go, so in 1618 co began giving 50 acres to all new colonists
- Captain John Smith, one of Jamestown's leaders. To him we owe story of Pocahontas who saved his life and married an Englishman John Rolfe in 1614(in his General History of Virginia 1624)
- Puritans- sought to reform the Established Church of Eng (threat to destroy unity of state church, undermine royal authority). During James I reign Separatists moved to Holland where they could do what they wanted. Later some decided to emigrate to Am (the Pilgrims), in 1620 founding the colony of Plymouth. Mayflower from Southampton- 66 days- Cape Cod (further n). After C I ascended to the throne in 1625 the persecution increased. The MBC founded in 1630 had persons of wealth and position as well; intellectual although living in the wilderness, brought the printing press from Eng. Harvard College founded in 1636 in Massachusetts, the College of William and Mary, Collegiate School of Connecticut (Yale). Compulsory elementary education..
- Puritan lit- God important, spiritual dangers on Earth- life is a test: failure=damnation and eternal hellfire, success=bliss; secular amusements dissed. Nonfiction+pious genres
- Quakers- dissatisfaction with Eng led W. Penn to found Pennsylvania in 1681, also Cecil Calvert founded Maryland in 1633. Most actually emigrated for economic opportunity- wars, poverty, oppression, unemployment, crop failure.
William Bradford (1590-1657)
Member of the Plymouth colony. Spirit of determination & self-sacrifice. Shortly after arrival voted governor (chief judge, jury, superintended agriculture and trade, allotments of land).
Born in Yorkshire to modestly well-off parents, father died when infant, mother remarried in 1593, he was brought up by grandparents. Did not go to university, he was taught farming. At 12 or 13 heard sermon of the Nonconformist R.Clyfton, he left home and joined the Separatists. 1609 goes to Holland, becomes a weaver. Grant for land- Plymouth, Massachusetts. In his 2nd book he describes the signing of the Mayflower Compact (to reassure themselves and their backers) A self-educated man. A Relation or Journall of the Beginning and Proceedings of the English Plantation settled at Plimoth (1622 + E. Winslow). Master piece: Of Plymouth Plantation (1651) finest single prose (origins of the Separatists in Eng, settlement in Holland, plans to emigrate, Mayflower, secular affairs in colony).
Anne Bradstreet (c 1612-1672)
1st poem book also 1st book in Am by a woman. Published in Eng. Born in Northampton, as a child moved to Boston. Though parents Puritans, she was tutored very well. In 1628 married Simon Bradstreet, though he was older, he outlived her. In 1630 joined Winthrop party (MBC). She didn't like Am but her deep love for husband and religious conversion made it easier. She moved in wealthy circles. She had had rheumatic fever as a child=> periods of severe fatigue. Her husband was the secretary to the MBC and later governor. Had 8 children, many times a grandmother. 7000 lines of verse. Her brother-in-law published the poems without her knowledge. The 10th Muse, Lately Sprung up in America (1650), 6 y after death in Boston Several Poems Compiled with a Great Variety of Wit. Her rhythm is faulty but not unpleasing. Meditative poem Contemplations (q her religion, finds reassurance in her spiritual progress). To My Dear and Loving Husband (1678)- oriental imagery, love theme, idea of comparison. Her special voices appears in poems on her husband, children and domestic affairs.
The Enlightenment. The War of Independence, formation of the United States of America
In 18th c more & more settlers, need to move inland. GB had no consistent policy for her colonies, had to supply GB with raw material and not compete in manufacturing. Colonists function on Eng law and constitution.
1775-1783 The War of Independence. Eng colonies rose against parent country. At 1st Am had little luck, untrained army but the Am resistance soon assumed a mass nature. 1775 Second Continental Congress- called and began to act like a provisional gov. July 4, 1776 the Declaration of Independence. The Stamp Act 1764 taxed all newspapers, legal doc, licenses- Bostonians burned down the governor's palace. Tea Party in 1773. G. Washington was in command, led the resistance. B. Franklin managed to make an agreement with the French so they and European countries helped out. The end of the war acknowledged the independence, knowledge and sovereignty of the 13 states.
Spiritual life formed by the Enlightenment- movement supported by all progressive forces. Representatives saw themselves as spreaders of knowledge & rev ideas, human reason is VIP. Journalism. This was the Age of Reason. Emphasis on rationality, scientific inquiry. Writers devoted to ideals of justice, liberty, equality. Thanks to new scientific views world seemed more comprehensible (Deists- assumed that humankind naturally good, not interested in theology. Am Rev) Am books harshly reviewed in Eng. Writing did not pay. Enlighteners: Franklin, Jefferson. Hector St. John de Crévecoeur Letter from an American Farmer, 1st to use term “melting pot” referring to Am.
Pamphlets. Most famous writer Thomas Paine, 1st work Common Sense pop= manifesto for the War of I. The Crisis in 16 parts, The Rights of Man, The Age of Reason. The best propagandist.
Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)
Diplomat, scientist, inventor, philosopher, author, painter, engineer, statesman etc. 1st American, last universal man. Supporter of federal sys of gov, great educational pioneer, believed in free enterprise. Born in Boston, Massachusetts to a soap- and candle maker family as one of 15 children. Worked at father's shop but wanted to learn, sent to half-brother James who owned a printing press. J put to jail, B published his newspaper but then quarreled in 1723 with J and left Boston-> NYC-> Philadelphia, where he started his own printing shop. Taught himself languages, read widely etc. He founded the 1st subscription library, 1st fire-fighting, fire-insurance company. Established a hospital and a college (Uni of Pennsylvania). In 1729 gave out The Pennsylvania Gazette- became most widely read paper.
2 legal children, 1 illegitimate. Started the self-help book genre. Project of life: Poor Richard's Almanac. The Way to Wealth 1757 collected his best sayings. At 42 retired, invented the open stove, 1st pair of binoculars, harmonica, step-ladder chair, lighting rod. (gulf stream!). Autobiography (1771-1790) written to advise his son, scheme of self-improvement. Honorary degrees from Am and Eng but only 2 years of formal schooling !! In 1776 appointed to the committee to help write the declaration. 1781 chosen to make peace with Eng, 1783 signed. 1787 called to write the constitution. Died in Philadelphia.
Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826)
3rd President of US, 1st Secretary of State, minister to France, governor of Virginia, congressman. Wanted to be remembered only for 3 things: Declaration of Independence, Virginia Statue of Religious Freedom (1786), University of Virginia (planned the buildings, outlined course of study, 1sr rector). Notes on the States of Virginia (1787). Born in Virginia 13/04/1743, father was a successful planter. Graduated W&M College. He mastered Greek and Latin, played the violin, was a horseman. Law has profession- career in the legislature. He defended the freeing of slaves!! A strong liberal with democratic ideas. Political power should remain with common ppl- freedom of religion and press. 6 children (wife MW Skelton), only 2 to maturity. Monticello was their home, today a national monument. 2nd Continental Congress in 1775/76 a committee for Dec of I- all men equal, have inalienable rights for life. Adopted on the 4th of July 1776, same year elected to the Virginia House of Delegates, in 1783 to Congress, in 6 months wrote 31 state papers, 1785 succeeded Franklin in France, 1789 offer to become President wants to refuse but accepts. Supporters of J are Republicans opposed by Federalists. Bought Louisiana from Napoleon= 17 new states. He wrote endlessly articles on politics, social problems, philosophy. Friend and neighbor James Madison succeeded him as President. Died on 4th of July 1826, on the 50th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence

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