October 28, 2009

British history: The Stuarts

The Stuarts
Mary Queen of Scots – Cousin of E I, her son was King James I (Scotland’s James VI)

  1. James I - Became king 1603, not suitable for it, clever, but expressed opinions openly, sloppy. Died in 1625.
    Changes in Parlamentary Sys
    Changes in Foreign Relations
    Changes in Religion
    Tried to rule without P, E’s debts, P got right to discuss J’s home and foreign policy, J not above law, couldn’t make laws. 1611-21 ruled successfully without P
    P got right to discuss it, 1618- 30 Years War began in Europe.
    P wanted to go against Catholics, J said no. Disliked the Presbyterian Kirk in Scot(no bishops) & Puritans in Eng

  2. Charles I -
    Dissolved P, summoned when needed money, tried borrowing it from merchants, 1628 promised to borrow money only on Act of P& imprison anyone without lawful reasons(Petition of Right) Dissolved P, ruled efficently 11 y (1637 height of power), rebellion with Scots allowed them t ostate that the P had to meet every 3 years,
    Shared father’s dislike, mistakes began in 1637, married a French Catholic (Prot disliked the marriage), appointed Laud(enemy of Puritans) as Archbishop, brought back Anglican Church many Catholic practices, tried to make Kirk accept Church of Eng, 1638 Scots rebelled

    Civil war: C depended on P, events in Ireland in civil war, 1641 rebellion 3000 died, who should control army (Irish only against P), 1642 C tried to arrest 5 MPs, London locked gates againt king, C to Nottingham, gathered army, only 10% of pop took part. The Royalists (Cavaliers, HL, HC) vs Parlamentarians (Roundheads), at Naseby 1645 C were defeated, 1646 surrended, King gave to Scots, but given back because did not agree,, Cromwell offered deal: P control army 10y, then king, C refused, escaped to Scots, second outbreak of civil war, but Scots crushed, C recaptured, Cromwell- new model in army(fight for beliefs), probably P&people want C back but feared R, C found guilty, 31.01.1649 executed, irish shocked, support Royalists, sept 1649 Crom army to I, killed 6000, Scot invited CII to help, but lost, CII back to Fr, Scot under Eng rule

  3. Republican Britain (1649-1660)- not a success
    Severe government, got rid of monarchy, got rid of HL, disagreements between army &P, P dissolved 1653, army people Levellers wanted P to meet every 2 years, men over 21 right to elect MPs to it,
    Cr got rid of it, Levellers wanted religious freedom
    From 1653 governed by Cr alone, became Lord Protector, extr unpopular, people forbidden to celeb Xmas & Easter or to play games on Sun, 1658 Cr died, the Protectorate collapsed, Cr son was not a good leader, one of commanders marched to London 1660, arranged free elections & invited CII to return to his kingdom

  4. Charles II (The Merry Monarch)- when return, laws & acts of Cr were cancelled, returned with, made piece with enemies, punished only those who were responsible for CIs execution, Parliamentarians given positions of authority, same belief as CI= divine right
    P itself remained weak, P wouldn’t allow for Catholics & Puritans to meet, the Test Act (1673), which prevented any Catholic from holding public office, first political parties (Whigs – Crown+P=<3, Tories- Crown + Ch = basis of 2-party system)
    CII hoped to make peace between different religious groups, wanted to allow Puritans & Catholics who dislike A C to meet freely, but P was Anglican, wouldn’t allow it, CII attracted to Catholic C

  5. James II – became king after brother’s death in 1685, France accepted Q Anne instead of JII
    T&A were delighted, but JII tried to remove the laws which stopped the Ch from taking positions in government & P, Tories, Whigs & Ang did nothing, were looking forward of succession of James’s daughter, Mary who was Protestant, husband William of Orange also, but 1688 Js son was born, WO was invited to Br, but crown offered only to Mary, WO said would leave, offered to both= Glorious Rev, gover based upon the consent of the people and the consent of the people was represented, P not the king power in state- Bill of Rights 1689(King not able to raise taxes, army without P), act of settlement 1701 only a prote could inherit the crown
    Tried to remove the laws which stopped the Ch from taking positions in government, tried to bring back the Catholic C, tried to bring together the Cat & Pur= Nonconformists
    Removed ¾ of JPs, replaced them with men of lower class

  6. Anne – Mary’s sister, first monarch to rule over UKGB, after Scotland united with Eng & Wales in 1707. Last of the Stuarts, relied on advise from S. Churchill, later quarreled, won several victories over the French

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